Well it seems the best time to take our blood pressure pills is at bedtime. This is slightly counter intuitive, as our blood pressure falls at night and rises in the morning. The natural assumption, is that we should take out pills in the morning. However, a very large study gave half of people their pills in the morning and half at night. They each wore a monitor to check their blood pressure for a full 48 hours.
Astonishingly, the bedtime dosage group had half as many heart attacks or strokes than the morning dose group. Those who took their pills at night also had better blood pressure control, and lower night time blood pressure. At the start of the trial, half had raised blood pressure at night, but during treatment, this fell to nearer one third.
Of course, the most important thing, is to take them when you will remember them, as some pills are better than no pills. But if you can find a way to remember them, take them at night.
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