Health Screening
Our Health Screening checks include the following:
- A 75 minute consultation with one of our GPs
- Review of family history
- Review of medication
- Review of pre-existing conditions
- Discussion of any new symptoms
- Full physical examination, including prostate/breast and pelvic examination, if appropriate
- Weight, height, BMI
- Assessment of cardiovascular risk including an ECG, blood pressure and QRISK2 assessment
- Lung function testing
- Blood tests – to include full blood count, kidney and liver function tests, glucose, ESR, iron, thyroid function and cholesterol levels as well as a PSA in men
- Urine testing for blood, protein, bilirubin or signs of infection
- Cervical smear if required (see Fees page)
- Following the consultation, you will receive a detailed report and advice on optimising your health
- FIT test (checks for blood in stools). Optional extra £62.10
- Tumour markers. Optional Extra – Price on Request.